Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'll bypass the bypass. Thank you.

Today during my lunch break I participated in a brown bag "Lunch and Learn"  titled, Weight Loss and Nutrition.  It was a helpful session and scared me into thinking if I don't get my act together, I will soon be eligible for bypass surgery.

I entered the session with a huge plain bagel smothered in plain cream cheese and left with 1/4 of that same bagel the remains of which threw into the trash can.   Why did I do this, because at the session medical professionals talked about how fad diets and magical weight loss programs promise drastic results but studies show short-term dieting frequently results in weight re-gain. They presented proven strategies for long-term weight loss -- one of which included eat slower and savor your meals.
I'm used to inhaling my lunches, snacks and dinners with rapid speed, barely chewing  (whereas I eat my breakfast slower because I am barely awake enough to have the capacity to chow down before 9 a.m.).  The smart docs explained too fast eating causes us to overeat and we really should be taking 30 to 45 minutes to eat each meal because our bodies can't tell us we're full if we eat in less than 15 or 20 minutes..   Luckily they shared this advice within the first 10 minutes of the session and that way I was able to put the remainder of my bagel down.  And sure enough, 30 mins in, I was full off of my freakishly large bagel.  I stopped eating when I was "full".

These docs also went into great detail about weight loss surgery included diagrams and videos of gastric bypass surgery.   That made me lose my appetite especially since they shared that Non-Surgical obesity treatments, such as diets and medications generally suck.   Diets only yield a 6% long-term success rate whereas Medications only 12%.   

After watching a video where someone's stomach was cut down to the size of a banana, it's safe to say that I don't want to ever have to do weight loss surgery.  Sure it's effective, since most can get rid of 60 to 80% of excess weight within the first 18 months but gastric bypass is non-adjustable and requires the cutting and stapling of the stomach and the bowel.

My personal preference: I'd like to learn how to listen to my body and find it when I'm full by eating slower.  

Monday, September 12, 2011

How much does that extra bite cost you?

September already.  Wowzer.  Summer is over and my summer weight loss attempts = maintain.  I'll take it.  Maintaining is better than gaining, although obviously my aim was to lose.  No sense crying over spilled milk - time to get back on that horse, and with the half-marathon a month and a half away I have some work to do!

I've been busy counting my calories most days on, not feeling too bad when I go over my daily allotted calories (1,590/day) needed to lose my unwanted pounds.  But how much do those extra 100 cals in the form of coffee creamer, afternoon carb snack, etc. actually add up to?

A LOT over time.  Even 100 extra calories eaten a day, means 700 extra calories week = almost a pound of gained weight/month.

Years ago a friend shared a YouTube video (it's overly dramatic, but it gets the point across) about how eating a little more each day can be a detriment to one trying to lose weight.  Here it is, and here is why when most go over daily calorie budget, even just a little, they don't lose.  Even if it's just a little.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Men want a Size 10!

Good news ladies - men don't want skinny twigs of women! Their preference is a Size 10.  According to a study shared today on Chicago's Eric & Kathy Radio Show which involved 2,000 men, a man's ideal woman has raven hair, blue eyes and is a Size 10.

Phew!  Sigh of relief to all us ladies who will never be that skinny mini Size 2 or 4...or zero.

I don't think most men have a clue what women's sizes actually are --- but apparently the study did not ask men their preference by saying, "Here’s a size 4.  Here’s a size 12. Who looks better?"  Instead, men were shown several photos and asked which they preferred.

Size 10!

Christina Hendricks
What does a Size 10 look like?  Size 10 is probably like 36-year old Christina Hendricks from Mad Men.  A radio listener pointed her out as a close enough Size 10 example.  She looks fab by the way!   So...if men want a Size 10, then why do so many heterosexual women strive for a Size 6 and below?  Must be that our main mission is to get skinny to impress our peers --- other ladies or to impress ourselves. I guess us women have come a long way since the Mad Men era of existing to merely please men.  Of course size is not a 100% indicator of true health/attractiveness.   It depends on the person's frame (small, medium, large), height (short, medium, tall) or personal preference.

Personally, my "happy" size was the size I maintained most of college, a Size 6.  That's when I felt my absolute best.  Not too skinny, not too fat, just right.  I didn't maintain that size to lure in the opposite sex, but to feel better about myself.  To feel my best.  And even with the 50 pounds I'm fixing to lose now, I never plan to go lower than a Size 6.  If I did, I would be too skins and bones looking.  Surely I'd look like a Star Jones version (post-weight loss) bobble head of myself.  Gross.

Of course right now, with my 50 pounds to lose, it's real easy for me to get on my high horse and proclaim, "I, who am currently a Size 14, vow to NEVA dip below a Size 6".  It's very easy for me to say considering my body is not apt to dip below a Size 6.   Losing 50 pounds will put back at my Size 6 but my healthy weigh range means wearing anything between a Size 6 and Size 10.  And I guess if that range doesn't work for me,  I could always try Sears*.

Yes, I referenced Mean Girls.

Anyways, great morning radio show topic.  Also discussed: things men notice about women first.  The Top 8 (listed in reverse order --- so #1 is really #8):

  1. Eyes
  2. What's fake (artificial)  -- i.e. fake lashes, hair, boobs, etc.
  3. Glowing skin -- hooray for bronzer and tans!
  4. Hip to waist ratio
  5. Pitch of voice -- Higher the better
  6. Size of her "group".  This perfect size is 3.
  7. A genuine smile.
  8. Thickness of hair

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Use stickers for workout motivation

While I was in law school steadlily gaining weight with each passing academic year, I read a lot of stories on how to lose weight.  Sometime after 1L year, I stumbled across a before/after story in some lady fitness mag (Self, Fitness, Shape? --- not sure which one). The story was about a couch potato turned military chick who after deciding to join the military had to lose some pounds to pass her physical fitness military exam.  The magazine asked her how she did it, and one thing she mentioned was that after each workout she put a sticker in her calendar to mark her success.

As soon as I read her story, I was motivated to do the same.  After all, my sister's wedding was months away, and I wanted to look better than ever in my Bridesmaid dress. I went out and purchased some grade-schooly type stickers from the Dollar Store and went to work on my sticker plan.  Using the kind that say, "Way to Go"  and "You Rock", my weight loss increased with each week.  Two months later, my calendar looked like a hurricane of stickers had exploded onto it -- and I was down 10 pounds!  It was an amazing feeling to see how many workouts I had completed.  It didn't hurt that my bridesmaid dress had to be taken in as well.

I need to resurrect the STICKER plan.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm doing well -- except for the cow

Two weeks ago I re-defined my specific weight loss goals.  I'm doing well.  If I were to give myself a grade in all areas...

1.)  I want to lose 25 pounds 
Grade:  C
Explanation:  I've hovered around the 3 pound loss for two weeks.  Nonetheless, I'm seeing good changes in my body --- i.e. my waistline is coming back!  I'm making better food choices and overall eating more veggies and fruits daily.  I'm also participating in a pedometer challenge at work which keeps me focused on walking to get my daily steps up!

2.)  I want to complete a half-marathon 
Started training.  Need to kick up my training and be more consistent with my workout plan. 

3.)  I want to build muscle and lose fat  
It's simple - to gain muscle I need to work my muscles.  Got in one session of weight lifting.  Need to do it regularly.
4.)  I want to complete a 10-day juice cleanse 
Had to reschedule my initial plan because of travel plans-- changed the start date to September 1st, but have gotten more organized.  I'm reaching out to people who have juiced for tips/advice.  Keep the suggestions coming!  I've been warned Day 1 I'll be crabby.  Day 2 will be worse.  But if I can make it past those two days I will feel fabulous.

5.) I want to complete a winter time 5K  
This is well on it's way.  Found a race to run and a friend to join me.  After the half-marathon running this will be a breeze! 

6.)  I want to save refined sugar treats for special occasions.
Saying no to sweets except special occassions is difficult.  I've had cravings like crazy but NO means no.  That means saying no to free office cookies and morning pastries.  I have more energy without so much sugar in my diet.  It's amazing!  I also find I'm able to enjoy sweets more when it's once in a while instead of every day.  I recently traveled to Nashville and went to an Jeni's ice cream shop.  It was glorious and I didn't feel one bit guilty indulging.

 7.)  I want to go to the gym three times a week 
Have been making it to the gym 1-2 times/week because of traveling.  This is changing this week as I don't have any upcoming travel plans for a while.  Otherwise have been doing a LOT of walking!

8.)  I want to eat no more than one dead cow a week.  

I tried this and failed because of steak dinners two days in a row.  Plus, while traveling I splurged on a jr. bacon cheesburger from Wendy's and a cheeseburger from Dairy Queen.  To make up for it, I'm trying to avoid beef for the next month --- as i've used up my allotted "one dead cow a week" and need to make up for what I ate.   The one glorious decision I made while traveling was to do eat fake ground meat soy tacos.  I couldn't tell the difference between the soy mean and beef.  I'll have to try more fake options when I crave the dead cow.

Drum roll...

my current weight loss GPA = 2.16 or C-

OVERALL: I need to step it up.  I will have a higher weight loss GPA in two weeks!   Aiming for at least a 3.0!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I will reach my goals

I'm a "fan" of Bob Harper on Facebook and today in a status update he wrote, "Make it a point to be more active today.. Get a workout in! Today is the first day of the rest of your life and you are worth it!"

 I like that goal.  That's doable.   No matter how my schedule looks before or after work, I can always fit in a 15 to 30 min walk during my lunch break.  Any day.  Everyday.  That's what I'll do today.  Done!

Goals keep me focused.  In the past they've helped me accomplish great tasks.   It's time to jot down some August 2011 - December 2011 goals to keep me focused.

Wikihow says STEP ONE in reaching a goal is to Set a realistic but challenging/inspiring goal.
"Take a big dream, like "I want to be famous", and break it down into smaller, more manageable steps, like "I want to star in ascience fiction movie", "I want to go to three auditions a week", "I want to move to another city" and "I want to save $5000 so I can move." Make the goal big enough to challenge and excite you, but not so big that you hesitate to take the first steps."

Here's my break-down.  
My big dream:  "I want to be thin" which is girl talk for "My extra weight is interfering with how I feel about myself.  It needs to go!"  Specifically for me, being "thin" means losing the 50 extra pounds I have stored on my frame.

My big dream broken down into smaller, more manageable steps
 1.)  I want to lose 25 pounds and then take it from there.  Only a year ago, in August 2010, I weighed 20 pounds less than I do now.  Over a year's time I let stress from new life changes make me eat with reckless abandon and focus less on exercise.   Losing 25 pounds betwen August and December will get me half way to my goal of losing 50 pounds and getting thin!

2.)  I want to complete a half-marathon I've signed up for one in October!  I have a buddy and a training schedule (that's gotten off to a rocky start) but I will do it!

3.)  I want to build muscle and lose fat  I can do this through stepping up my weight training...which is actually part of my half-marathon training plan

4.)  I want to complete a 10-day juice cleanse I have researched juicers and watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  Unless I hear better suggestions, I plan to get an inexpensive Black and Decker juicer from Wal-Mart to stay in my $50 juicer range. I have recipes for drinks.  I scheduled my cleanse dates in my calendar for August 15th thru August 24.

5.) I want to complete a winter time 5K  Working on getting this set-up. The last winter outdoors race I did was in 2002: The Jingle Bell Run in Champaign, IL. It was cold and it was glorious.   Perhaps it's time to do it again!  

6.)  I want to eat less refined sugar.  Ok this one's a lie.  More like I know I should eat less fined sugar.  I want to work on minimizing the consumption of donuts and candy at work.  I want to avoid Starbuck's sugary drinks.  I want to say "no" to ice cream treats on sale at Jewel and only enjoy them on special occassions -- birthdays, parties, weddings.  Revised:  I want to save refined sugar treats for special occasions.

 7.)  I want to go to the gym three times a week I have a Groupon pass for one class at Flirty Girl Fitness and a gym membership at the Y.  The Y location is literally a 4-min walk from my apartment.  It opens at 5 a.m. weekdays and doesn't close until 10 p.m.  Morning workouts may be what I need to complete this mini goal.  No excuses.

8.)  I want to eat no more than one dead cow a week.  Let me explain.  Last July, when I started this blog I made up my "One cow a week" rule.  It stuck then so it's time to bring it back.  I wrote, Cheeseburgers were doing me in so I made up a rule that I can only eat one serving of dead cow a week.  Max.  Not daily.  This means, once I have my ONE cheeseburger or Chipotle steak burrito, it's time to switch to Boca Burgers, Black Bean burgers, veggie-based meals and other non-four legged friends.  Veggies, you should be very scared.  I'm going to devour you like no other.

At this point I've made my  August 2011 - December 2011 goals big enough to challenge and excite me, but not so big that I don't hesitate to take the first steps.   8 goals.  Sweet!  

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trim the Fat

After a weekend of camping at the Warren Dunes in Michigan where I pigged out on processed snacks, hot dogs, burgers, brats, Reese's Peanut Butter Cup S'mores and donuts, I have some detoxing to do. Besides my unhealthy camping feast, the day I left camping grounds, I headed to Jewel-Osco and found boxes of Choco Tacos on sale for $2.99.  Still high on camp nostalgia, I bought a box because they reminded me of camping at Blue Lake Fine Arts camp when I 15.  It's funny how so much of my "bad" food choices are governed by emotional eating, particularly sugary and saturated fat-laden foods.  Yes, I'm speaking directly to you Cheez-Its. 

Post-camping and one Choco Taco later, the scale said I'd gained 3 pounds!  My notion that eating BIG Cheez-Its, grilled sausage and Donettes would help me maintain my weight, let alone put me closer to 50-pounds of weight loss, was false.  I'm sure the scale number would've been higher had it not been for the exhausting hike to and from the campsite to the beach.   Walking uphill in hot sand while carrying beach gear is no joke.  The first 10 minutes walking were lovely.  We walked through woodsy areas with beautiful lighting.  Then we arrived at the sandy hills and it was terrible.  I felt like I was walking to the Promised Land.
While on the beach at the Warren Dunes, I watched toned women prance around in tiny bikinis while I sat feeling like a whale in my snug one-piece.  Of course, not everyone who wore a bikini was toned and gazelle like, but most were.  As I work toward my weight loss goals, I dream of wearing a bikini and joining them. My dream bikini color: Zebra!

Four days later, I'm finally back to my pre-camping weight, and I have a loooooong ways to go to meet my 50 pound loss.  Training for the upcoming half-marathon will help but I'd also like to lose inches by beefing up my muscles.  After all, 5 pounds of fat compared to the same amount of muscle looks drastically different.  I want to focus on decreasing my body fat percentage in addition to overall weight loss.

Me (blue shirt) - Age 15 - Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp
In between flute and piano rehearsals, I remember pigging out
on Choco Tacos during camp free time.
I'm still buzzing from watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead on Netflix.   The weight loss results in that movie were insane and after watching the doc I've watched my fair share juicing before and afters on YouTube.  Bottom line:  Juicing makes you lose weight --- but if you don't change your lifestyle you'll end up gaining all the weight back.

5 pounds of fat vs. 5 pounds of MUSCLE.  Huge difference!

My plan: In August I will try a 10-day juicing detox.  I'll monitor my progress and share the results.   For me it'll be a way to jumpstart progress.   Feel free to share any tips.  As for developing more muscle mass, I'm staying motivated with the above photo.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In Search of the Perfect Half Marathon Shoe

In about 12 weeks I will run13.1 miles.  I'm nervous because I'm not in tip-top shape now.  Luckily a lot can change in 3 months!  This race - Rock N Roll Half in St. Louis - will be my second half-marathon.  My first was in 2009 when I was also 15 pounds lighter than I am now.  My time then: 3:07:12.  I anticipate that over the next week the running will inevitably shed pounds -- it always does for me when I keep it consistent.  I'm following Hal Higdon's training plan for novices.  My goal time:  Under 2:50

Now ladies, mama needs new half-marathon shoes!  Last race I ended up with blisters after I rocked some pretty generic Reeboks -- which I think were technically "walking" shoes.  I'm going to a local running store next week to get fitted but before I go -- any shoe suggestions for a flat-footed runner?  I've been curious about those toe shoes ....yanno, these: 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead - It's on Netflix!

Right now most Netflix subscribers are buzzing with rage over Netflix's recent price hike.   My personal solution-- swap your Stream + 1 DVD package for Streaming Only and you'll actually save yourself $2/month.

If you move to streaming only, your viewing options will decrease especially when it comes to newer content.  But as an avid streamer, who's streaming past includes the entire seasons of Skins (UK Version), Teen Mom, Roseanne, The Cosby Show, Weeds and other random British tv, I say live with it.  Streaming is the future of television.

I've explored my fair share of indi docs through streaming -- most recently, one about juicing to boost health and weight loss.  If you subscribe to Netflix go home right now and check it out --- Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  It will make you want to juice, lose weight...or at least think, "Wow, another non-American telling Americans how we can fight obesity".  

P.S. My main question after watching this was "What recipes are being used".  Google to the rescue.  Find juicing recipes here.  If you're a novice to streaming via your tv, Wii or whatever, click here.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Fat people will take anything if you tell them it's gonna make them lose weight." -Roseanne

Roseanne Barr on the diet industry...and such.

I'm a true Roseanne fan.  I love her housewife and diet jokes.  I like her take on the diet industry and weight loss.   I couldn't get enough of the working class Illinois family she created in the 80s/90s.  I loved watching her show on Nick at Night and now stream it on Netflix.

This month Roseanne returns to tv via a new Lifetime show titled, Roseanne's Nuts.  This reality show will follow Roseanne as she runs a nut farm in Hawaii.

Here's the preview

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's July! Time to Watch Teen Mom

It's July and I'm feeling better about fitness.  I joined my local Y and am LOVING it.  Sometimes a change of scenery just helps.  My old gym just wasn't working for me anymore --- mostly because it was only open M-F, was a 45-min commute from my home, I had to pack a huge gym bag with shower stuff and the gym has no windows.

I upgraded to the Y where they have windows and an indoor pool.  Although I don't consider myself a "swimmer", it's nice to know I have a pool.  My commute to the gym is only 5 mins.  I can get changed at home and show up with only the clothes on my back.  Also, my Y's ellipticals have tvs!  Last Thursday I hopped on the elliptical.  Someone left CNN on and I stared at Eliot Spitzer as he interviewed a familiar face about US immigration reform.  I knew why Mr. Spitzer looked familiar but I couldn't figure out why the guy he was interviewing looked so familiar.  Within minutes I figured it out:  Jose Antonio Vargas is an award-winning journalist who interviewed me back in 2004, when he had just begun his career with the Washington Post.  I was in D.C. for a journalism conference --- UNITY 2004.   My quotes didn't make it in the final story, but it's still cool to say that such a stellar writer wanted my input and gave me his business card, which I held onto up until last year when I figured if 6 years had gone by and I hadn't yet contacted him for career support, it was about time to get rid of it.   Back in '04, Vargas asked me how I felt about the representation of minority journalists. Did lighter-skinned black journalists get hired over darker skinned?  Did Latinos who sounded like native speakers get preference over those who did not?  And here he was in 2011, right before my elliptical, being interviewed by Eliot Spitzer about his undocumented immigrant status.    It's a funny thing to realize you met someone before they became BIG.

Tonight's Agenda:  Watch the premiere of Teen Mom whilst I elliptical.   I need to workout and I don't have cable.  It's a win-win situation.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Starting over. Again.

I've been bad.  After gaining way too much weight over the winter months, I rededicated my weight loss aspirations in March.  Since then I haven't been consistent.  My wake-up call came this week when my doctor told me my lab results show high glucose levels and high cholestorol.  She says I need to incorporate 30-mins of exercise five days a week, and that is what I will do.

I've put my weight loss tracker back to zero and started from scratch yesterday by resuming lunch-time yoga (40 mins) and a post-work elliptical session (30 mins).

My updated plan (via MyFitnessPal):  

Net Calories Consumed* / Day1,350 calories/day
Carbs / Day186 g
Fat / Day45 g
Protein / Day51 g
Calories Burned / Week1,120 calories/week
Workouts / Week5 Workouts
Minutes / Workout30 mins
Calories Burned
From Normal Daily Activity2,100 calories/day
Net Calories Consumed*
Your Daily Goal1,350 calories/ day
Daily Calorie Deficit750 calories
Projected Weight Loss1.5 lbs/ week

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tapping for Weight Loss

Some have tried it all for weight loss:  Diet Pills, Fad Diets, Weight Watchers, Calorie Counting, you name it!  But what about dealing with emotions to tap into weight loss?  This month's issue of Fitness magazine discussed the effects of hypnosis by showcasing a woman who tried to lose 15 pounds with hypnosis. The result:  She was skeptical but lost about half the weight.

Wells, how about tapping?  Not the shuffle, stomp, kick-ball-change tapping, but pinpointing areas on your body to tap into emotions.

What is tapping?  From what I've seen it's mostly listening to starting a conversation with yourself by thinking of statements/about questions regarding a topic, tapping into your emotions, being honest with your feelings and learning to accept yourself.   See video below.  Comments?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Part-time Writer Opportunity

Cyn Gets Thin is a blog about the ups and downs of living in a fast food nation and trying to lose weight.  I document my successes, my failures and my overall daily experiences.  As I continue with my mission to get fit and lose a little over 50 pounds, I'm looking for contributing writers.  If you'd like to write about fitness, weight loss and food for "Cyn Gets Thin" send me a message via Twitter @CynGetsThin. Guest bloggers are WELCOME!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I gave into a chocolate-covered carb

My workout/eating habits seem to get worse with colder temperatures which explains why I succumbed to a chocolate-covered cinnamon bun today at work and traded my 7-min walking commute to the train for a one-stop ride on the El.  The nicer weather WAS making me eat better/stay active, and then the temperature dropped to 46 degrees.  And it's a week before June i.e. summer!   To keep doing my workouts, I need sunshine, not cold rain with a light mist.

Cyn vs. the Cinnamon bun:  It was love at first sight.  I saw it. I wanted it.  It was free. It was easy.  I ate it.  It wasn't even that good and was a second-hand treat leftover from another department's lunchtime meeting. It was presented to me through the ultimate test: a co-worker literally handed it to me.  I didn't refuse.  Eating the chocolate-covered 7-11 quality bun was a one time splurge on my weight loss journey and next time (hopefully) I will choose to walk away from it, after I take a quick peek, or only eat half.  Or at least hold my hands behind my back the next time a co-worker offers free junk food.

In terms of weight loss, it has been a Lovely May.   Overall I've lowered my carb and sweets intake (ignore today's falling off the horse) and  I'm down 4.5 pounds from the beginning of May.  I attribute this to somewhat nicer weather earlier in month, and a trip to Denver where my diet consisted mostly of seafood and veggies, and I walked a lot considering I could've chosen not to walk at all.

The weather is looking up for the next week - 70s and 80s.  Bring it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Denver - The city of Seafood

Since I re-committed to eating better and exercising more consistently I've lost 3.2 pounds!  It was a slow start but as the Chicago weather brightens, so does my progress.  On a recent business trip to Denver, I stuck with my exercise goals and maintained my weight while there.  This is SUPER since normally domestic travel adds 3+ pound gain.

Over the 4-day trip I walked for a combined total of about 60 minutes and a completed a 2.52-mile run, all without stepping foot in a gym. I'm not sure how well I stayed within my 1,416 calories/day range considering I ate out 95% of my meals. Even though I didn't count a single calorie, I made relatively good food choices (not including Denver’s amazing brewery beverages). I avoided fast food, went to bed earlier than I do at home and also managed to fit a lot of activities in – Wynkoop Brewery twice, a Rockies game and a concert featuring The Cars.

After a run through downtown Denver.  Huffed and puffed through 2.52 mils.

Denver trip = lots of seafood and coffee = I want to return!  In 4 days I consumed clam, shrimp, crab, octopus, lobster and muscles. I think that’s a personal seafood record.

Day one

Shared shrimp fajitas, chips and queso
Day two

Seafood Eggs: My friend made a protein rich breakfast – A blend of eggs, feta, shrimp, imitation crab, Spinach and Sriracha hot chili sauce

Pastry, Fruit, Guacamole and Chips, Tea, Coffee, Water

Jimmy John’s Pepe Sandwich (ham, cheese, tomato, mayo, lettuce, avocado, sprouts) with BBQ Chips

Shared Calamari appetizer, Sausage Plate appetizer and ordered a Lobster Tacos appetizer for my meal

Day three

Shared huevos rancheros and Sweet Potato Pancakes. Side of coffee. <-- Best meal of the trip, courtesy of Snooze, an AM eatery.

Snacked on a pastry, Yogurt covered pretzels, tea, coffee, water

Shared Spanish Paella (muscles, shrimp and sausage yumminess), Grilled shrimp, bread

Day four
½ Huevos Rancheros breakfast wrap, grande Soy White Chocolate Mocha

½ Huevos Rahceros breakfast wrap, ½ grande soy caramel macchiato (Starbuck’s messed up my order and gave me a free drink!)

Shared shrimp sushi. Meal was Clam Chowder soup with a Caesar Salad.

Pastry, Frozen yogurt with chocolate chips, water

Dear Denver, 

I'll be back!
